Every year, Britain plays host to a wide array of various festivals and whether it’s for Glastonbury or the Chelsea Flower Show, people flock from all over the country and beyond to witness these marvellous displays of art and culture. For one of our more recent clients, Ian, the Buxton Fringe Festival is the one to look forward to, and he has visited every year for the last quarter of a century. His love of the theatre festival was so great, that it inspired him to start his own, and so he set about contacting local schools and drama clubs, to give children a chance at performing to a public audience.

When things were set in motion and a venue had been sourced, Ian thought it would be a good idea to serve food in between shows and luckily, his wisdom brought him to us. When he saw a picture on Facebook of our wonderfully golden brown Hog, roasted to perfection, he knew straight away that he had found the perfect fit for his festival. He contacted the team at Hog Roast Felixstowe and arranged for a free consultation to discuss the particulars of his event. He wanted something quick and easy so guests could eat on the move, and without needing cutlery. We suggested our famous Pigs in Buns – Hog Roast served in crusty bread rolls with a selection of sauces. Simple, yet refined.
The event was to last from twelve noon until nine in the evening and would see ten performances throughout the day. Ian wanted food to be available from the get go and so our chef and our catering assistant from Hog Roast Felixstowe were on site for eight in the morning, in order to get everything ready in time. As well as the Hog Roast Machines in full view, there was our Gazebo to set up, as we had to cook outside.
The festival proved to be an enormous success with well over 75 guests attending the all-day event. In between serving guests, the team from Hog Roast Felixstowe were able to see some of the marvellous performances by the stars of tomorrow, and when the day was done, they tidied away their mess discreetly and quietly.