There are many reasons why you might want to get the caterers in for your special occasion – to save you time, effort or money, for example – but you’ll also need professionals who will turn up on time, exceed expectations and provide gorgeous food at a great price. Hog Roast Dereham is this and so much more! We’re dedicated to serving our customers and their guests the best, highest-quality food, homemade by us, using fresh tasty ingredients, and that always includes the meat that we cook. We source animals and birds only from trusted local suppliers who we have known for a long time, so that you get fresh, quality meat cooked by experts.

For Jan’s event that our Hog Roast Dereham team recently catered at a local community centre, she asked us to cook our Menu 1 – our famous pigs in buns – for around 70 guests. We would need to roast a fat beast for this function, and when we do, we do so for several hours, until we get a soft and tender inside and a crispy, crunchy outer. Jan was hosting a private pot luck event where each of the guests would bring along a dish to share with the others, so in addition to our succulent hog roast rolls, there would be plenty of other food to go round for everyone.
On a recent chilly weekend morning, our Hog Roast Dereham chef and team made their way to the community centre and set up our equipment outside, including our gazebo to protect us from the elements, our serving tables and our tried and true hog roast machine. We soon warmed up once the hog roast machine was cooking away, however. We were the first people there, as it takes a long time to roast a hog to perfection, as it slowly but surely sizzles away at a low temperature.
By 12pm, the guests were arriving in droves as the hog rested and we prepared the fixings that we need to make pigs in buns – fresh bread rolls, our own stuffing and apple sauce, and condiments too. Soon after and the queues began for a taste of heavenly goodness.