Introducing Our New Partner Venue – Dragon Hall Weddings!

We are proud to announce that Spitting Pig East Anglia’s partner list has grown by one! We are now partnered with the fabulous Dragon Hall Weddings in Norwich. This partnership marks a union of culinary excellence and historical charm, offering Continue reading Introducing Our New Partner Venue – Dragon Hall Weddings!

Need A Valentines Day Gift? Hog Roast Holt Has You Covered

Valentines Day is just under a month away now, so what are you getting for your partner? Don’t worry, that isn’t an accusation or a judgement if you haven’t got any ideas yet. It is a genuine question, because if Continue reading Need A Valentines Day Gift? Hog Roast Holt Has You Covered

Host an engagement celebration in 2024 with catering from Hog Roast Fair Green

If you have recently gotten engaged, you may be wondering how to share the news with your family. A great option is to host a party to celebrate the occasion, with a delicious menu from Hog Roast Fair Green! Here Continue reading Host an engagement celebration in 2024 with catering from Hog Roast Fair Green

Hog Roast Tiptree – Why Specialist Catering Is The Better Option For Your Event

As catering for events becomes ever more popular, it can become harder and harder to pick out the right caterer for you. There are so many options on the market these days because so many want professional catering for their Continue reading Hog Roast Tiptree – Why Specialist Catering Is The Better Option For Your Event

Have Hog Roast Cromer Make Your Christmas Dinner This Year

We’re already inundated with supermarket ads for Christmas foods which probably means it is already about time to start thinking about how you’ll be making yours this festive season. Even though Christmas is meant to be a joyful time of Continue reading Have Hog Roast Cromer Make Your Christmas Dinner This Year

Celebrate Your Hen Party In Style With A Menu From Hog Roast Saxmundham

Having a hen party is a key part of British wedding culture and it is the perfect event for gathering with your friends and family before the big day. However you wish to celebrate, Hog Roast Saxmundham is sure to Continue reading Celebrate Your Hen Party In Style With A Menu From Hog Roast Saxmundham

Make This Halloween Spooktacular By Including Hog Roast Great Brighton In Your Celebrations!

Halloween fever has already gripped East Anglia, and Hog Roast Great Brighton has been at the heart of many spine-chilling celebrations lately. From eerie fancy-dress parties to hair-raising scare trails, our delectable dishes have become an essential part of the Continue reading Make This Halloween Spooktacular By Including Hog Roast Great Brighton In Your Celebrations!

Looking For A Caterer You Can Trust? Look No Further Than Hog Roast Castle Acre

When it comes to catering in East Anglia, there’s one name that stands out above the rest: Hog Roast Castle Acre. Led by our experienced catering managers, Andrew and James, our team of culinary enthusiasts is here to turn your Continue reading Looking For A Caterer You Can Trust? Look No Further Than Hog Roast Castle Acre

Host A Themed Children’s Birthday Party This Summer With Catering From Hog Roast Stalhalm

Most children will have one particular interest or hobby that they enjoy the most, so choosing a theme for their birthday is not a difficult task. Some common themes include princesses, Disney, dinosaurs, and football, although there is an endless Continue reading Host A Themed Children’s Birthday Party This Summer With Catering From Hog Roast Stalhalm