Hog Roast Melford – Corporate Lunch

Hog Roast Melford are more than just your average caterers. With our flexible cooking style and trusty hog roasting machines we are able to cater at any and all events no matter how many guests will be attending. What’s more is we are able to cater to all dietary requirements, whether you or your guests are vegetarian, vegan, gluten or dairy free! Get in touch today to start planning your Hog Roast Melford event!

Hog Roast MelfordThis Thursday we were busy getting everything prepared to cater at a local businesses client lunch. As a company we know how valuable and important it is to build up strong client relations and so when Sarah contacted us for help catering at her company we jumped at the opportunity!

At these types of event it is imperative the food on hand is of the best quality and that there is lots of it. There is no point trying to give your business pitch to a room full of hungry clients and then either running out of food or having to apologise for the quality. That’s why we are passionate about our corporate lunches with Hog Roast Melford! We always make sure we design our menu to fit you and your guests expectations and always bring more than enough food for second helpings!

Today’s Hog Roast Melford corporate lunch menu consisted of welcome canapes followed by a traditional hog roast roll and salad buffet. Our canapes had been chosen by Sarah as she opted for Handmade Gourmet Sausage, Mini Quiches and Wild Mushroom Bouchees. As the clients arrived they were spoilt for choice with our canapes and straight away they were mingling with the employees and everything seemed to be off to a great start!

As the event went on, we happily served up our Hog Roast Melford rolls much to the delight of both the clients and employees in attendance. Sarah came and thanked us for pulling off what she called ‘the best corporate event the company has seen!’. Not a bad day’s work!